Madison Hills Apartments


A True Transformation Story

The Madison Hills apartment community was in turmoil, with significant criminal activity and 180 units down due to black mold or fire damage. The turmoil spilled over to the community and directly impacted Brumby Elementary, one of only two Cobb County elementary schools on the federal watch list of failing schools. The local municipality took notice and stigmatized the property, with a campaign to condemn the property.


Madison Hills Apartments Pre-Renovation Exterior
Madison Hills Apartments Pre-Renovation Exterior with Fire Damage
Madison Hills Apartments Pre-Renovation Kitchen

Post Renovations

Madison Hills Apartments Post Renovation Exterior
Madison Hills Deck Post Renovation
Madison Hills Apartments

Funded with a $7 million renovation budget, TI Asset Management developed a community model engaging local businesses, churches, nonprofits and leadership at nearby Brumby Elementary. Programs including after-school, summer camps and medical navigation were launched to build community capital and stabilize the families.

Madison Hills Kitchen Post Renovation
Madison Hills Apartments Post Renovation Exterior

The results created a four-way bottom line for the ownership including:

  • High occupancy
  • Reduced tenant turnover
  • Increased security
  • A destination-based community of socially engaged tenants

The reduced transiency and educational opportunity offered by the After-School Care program and Summer Camps greatly impacted Brumby Elementary and within five years, it was recognized as a Title 1 School of Distinction by the National Title 1 Distinguished Schools Program.

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