Willow Branch Apartments
822 North Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA 30021
In 2000, TI Asset Management accepted management of Willow Branch Apartments, a 186-unit class C apartment community in east Atlanta. The Willow Branch apartment community enjoys a high immigrant population with over 22 languages spoken by the tenant community. The refugee population impacted Indian Creek Elementary, a low performing school in the Dekalb Public School system, which shares a property line with Willow Branch.

TI Asset Management has managed Willow Branch for over 20 years, working with the ownership on a structured renovation plan (20 kitchens every year) and successfully passing HUD-REAC inspections. TI Asset Management also developed a community plan engaging the Dekalb Police Department, Emory University, MedCura Medical, Georgia Power, Star-C, dozens of churches, various nonprofits and leadership at Indian Creek Elementary. Programs including a community-build day with Kaboom Playgrounds (which had over 200 volunteers), on-site medical screenings, back-to-school medical event, FREE Star-C After-School Care program, FREE Star-C Summer Camps, as well as hosting on-site rental assistance events.

Today, Willow Branch is a stable community, offering rents affordable for families earning at the 55% Area Median Income. The property enjoys high occupancy with long-term tenants who are active in the community. The children living at Willow Branch historically out-perform their peers on the Georgia Milestone and other federal testing, despite the language barriers.

Compassionate Capitalist
Real estate whiz Marjy Stagmeier is changing the lives
of her tenants, one apartment complex at a time.
Author: By Jen Christensen for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution